Posts tagged volunteer
Breaking the Silence: Mobilizing Communities

May marks two important opportunities to raise awareness for Foster Care Month as well as Mental Health Month. We want to recognize all of the professional and family caregivers who serve those who’ve been afflicted with mental health issues or who are in need of safe care and housing.

Young survivors of sexual exploitation and trafficking are in great need of both of these services. They’ve often experienced complex trauma that requires specialized, trauma-informed therapy to help them recover and heal. Many also face homelessness and are in need of the basic needs of a safe home. Sadly, the available options to support either of these foundational needs are quite limited, and finding a path out of their circumstances is extremely challenging.

Corrie’s House will be the first residential facility in the Twin Cities to provide long-term residential care with comprehensive services specifically tailored to support minors who’ve experienced or are at risk of sexual exploitation and trafficking.

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Volunteers Are The Heart of Our Program

On our trek to develop a residential program to provide transformative care for youth who’ve survived sex trafficking, we are immensely grateful for the support and dedication of our volunteers who selflessly give of their time and talents to support our mission. Their contributions have been instrumental in shaping our residential program curriculum, organizing educational and fundraising events, capturing precious moments, providing expertise on the development of our direct care services, and serving on our board of directors. 

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