facts on sex trafficking
Exploring the facts of sexual exploitation within our own community, particularly in Minnesota, is a crucial step towards understanding and addressing this pervasive issue. Despite its serene landscapes and tight-knit communities, Minnesota is not immune to the insidious grasp of sexual exploitation. By delving into local statistics, stories, and the realities faced by survivors in our neighborhoods, we gain a more intimate perspective on the gravity of this problem. Shedding light on the prevalence of exploitation, the tactics being used, the vulnerabilities that are targeted, and the mechanisms of support and prevention is imperative. Only by confronting the uncomfortable truths close to home can we effectively advocate for change, foster safer environments, and offer meaningful support to those affected by these egregious acts.
The Office of Minnesota Attorney General
Sex Trafficking in Minnesota: How to Spot It, Prevent It, and Intervene
Human Trafficking and Exploitation Informational Guide
Mapping the Demand: Sex Buyers in the State of Minnesota
Mapping the Market for Sex with Trafficked Minor Girls in Minnesota
Mapping the Market for Sex with Trafficked Minor Girls in Minneapolis
Data from Minnesota Student Survey
Minnesota Dept of Health: Human Trafficking and Exploitation Informational Guide
Polaris Analysis of 2021 Data from the National Human Trafficking Hotline
2023 Minnesota Report Card on Child and Youth Sex Trafficking by Shared Hope International
“On the line” podcast
Human trafficking is the fastest growing criminal enterprise in the world.
Conversation and knowledge is key to protecting our youth. Corrie’s House is committed to empowering our community with knowledge and tools to prevent sexual exploitation. We facilitated a 90 minute On The Line podcast, hosted by Pastor Bryan Stecker of Trinity Waconia Church with guest speaker, Ashley Moore of C.A.S.T. (Citizens Against Sex Trafficking). This bi-weekly podcast, reaching 1,500-3,000 viewers, provided a highly informative discussion where viewers heard how exploiters target youth and how to help prevent it. We thank Trinity Waconia Church for leading these important conversations, and we highly recommend making time to listen! Click here for the full interview
Empower Others with Knowledge
Explore our carefully curated Fact Sheet – an informative resource ready for printing and sharing.
Books by Survivors is a comprehensive compilation of books by self-identified survivors of human trafficking. Books by Survivors is a free resource and contains 85 books authored and co-authored by 75 Survivors who take the lead in sharing their own journeys of trauma, triumph, courage, and hope through their own lens and with their own words. Through fiction, nonfiction, art, and recipes, our leaders with lived experience take center stage in sharing their gifts, imparting their wisdom, and opening our eyes, minds, and hearts. Authors featured in this resource represent various genders, ages, races, and ethnicities. Each of them is from, or was exploited within, the United States This compilation of works is dedicated to, and made possible by, the men and women who have prevailed through the challenges of writing and publishing these resources, mostly without financial or editorial support from any publishing or marketing team.